Showing 25–48 of 299 results

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

The Life and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby

39 woodcut full pp. plates, frontis, occasional water-staining to plate margins with little/no harm to plates, pp. yellowed.

Condition: Average+

Binding: 22.5x14cm., pp. xvi, 624 ; orig. green colour with gilt title to spine, spine ends torn and bumped, edges thumbed, binding slight loose, few pp. loose but intact.


Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 6

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 6

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 6

Illustration: Several b/w full pp. portraits and Maps and plans, frontis, occasional foxing. Set 6 : 23×14.5cm., full blue cl. with gilt motif to cover center, gilt title to spine, title pp. in red and black, text clean, pp. yellowed., edges thumbed.

Condition: Average+

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 5

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 5

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 5

Illustration: Several b/w full pp. portraits and Maps and plans, frontis, occasional foxing. Set 5 : 23×14.5cm., full blue cl. with gilt motif to cover center, gilt title to sp., title pp. in red and black, text clean, few pinholes, edges thumbed. Signed by Author with inscription, ‘Presented to Senior Under Officer Robert H. Stallard with best wishes for his future career by the Author Roberts. R.M.A. Woolwich 22nd Dec. 1903.’

Condition: Average

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 4

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 4

Forty-one years in India, form Subaltern to Commander-in-chief SET 4

Illustration: Several b/w full pp. portraits and Maps and plans, frontis, occasional foxing. Set 3 : 23×14.5cm., full blue cl. with gilt motif to cover center, gilt title to sp., title pp. in red and black, pp. yellowed, pp. brittle, text clean.

Condition: Average

Curry & Rice on Forty Plates

Curry & Rice on Forty Plates

Curry & Rice on forty plates:

or the ingredients of social life at “our station” in India. With Colour Illustrations for the first time form the original sketches of the author, kindly lent by the owner, Mr. Fredrick Palmer

Illustration: With full pp. colored prints with tissue guards, marginal foxing to pl. Margins, title pp.

Condition: Good.

Binding: 11.5×8”, unnumbered; orig. Brown rexine with heavy embossing in gilt, white title to cover, gilt title to spine with dec., dec. epps, edges thumbed, aeg, occasional foxing thorughout.

The Imperial Gazetteer of India

The Imperial Gazetteer of India

The Imperial Gazetteer of India

Illustration: Every volume has a folded colored map in the beginning of the book.

Condition: Very Good

Binding: 22.5cm x 14cm, half maroon cloth over green cloth binding with printed title to white paper to spine, has a gilt emblem of the ‘Stoke Newington Public Library’ on every cover. This series has been withdrawn from the Woolwich Public Libraries, and has few stamps of the same on the title page as well as on the inside covers of the books. Binding is slight loose, edges thumbed

The Wonders of the World 2 Vol Set

The Wonders of the World 2 Vol Set

The wonders of the world, a popular and authentic account of the marvels of nature and of man as they exist today

Illustration: Vol. 1: 14 clrd plates, 492 reproductions in b/w. Vol. II: 14 clrd plates, 484 reproductions in b/w.
Condition: Average+
Binding: 27.5x21cm, black cloth over green cloth boards, gilt dec. and title to spine, cover worn, edges thumbed, marbled epps, wormholes throughout book, title page in red and black.

Collection De M. le Comte Armand Doria

Collection De M. le Comte Armand Doria

Preface by M.L. Roger Miles Essay on the life of Comte Armand Doria by M. Arsene Alexandre

Illustration: Several full pp. b/w and sepia toned plates with individual tissue guards, occasional water staining to plate margins with little/no harm to plates.

Condition: Good+

Binding: 37×26.5cm., new red and black binding, spine and cover slight frayed, text clean and fresh.

The Illustrated History Of The British Empire In India And The East

The Illustrated History Of The British Empire In India And The East, From The Earliest Times To The Suppression Of The Sepoy Mutiny In 1859. With A Continuation To The End Of 1878.

Illustration: Several double pp. colored maps, over 40 full pp. steel engravings, frontis, vignette, dec. title page, minor foxing to plate margins, little harm to plates, few water stains.

Condition: Good

Binding: 26cm x 17.5cm, original green morocco over cloth boards with 5 raised bands to spine, gilt title to leather label to sp., edges thumbed and worn, all edges marbled, text in double columns, occasional foxing throughout set with little harm to text.

The History of England - from the accession of James the Second

The History of England – from the accession of James

Illustration: A large number of b/w full pp. plates, also few coloured. plates with individual tissue guards, frontis with tissue guard.

Condition: Good+

Binding: 25.5cm x 17cm, full blue cloth with gilt title to cover and spine, extremely few wormholes, pp. slight yellowed and brittle, binding loose, edges thumbed and spine ends slight worn, teg.

The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club

The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club

With 57 woodcut illus by “Phiz”

Condition: Good

Binding: 10”x 7.5”, orig. green color with dec. in black and gilt to cover, gilt title to spine, cover frayed, binding loose, pp. sl. yellowed.

Condition: Average

The Oriental Annual

The Oriental Annual

Illustration: Several full pp. b/w steel engravings throughout with individual tissue guards, frontis, title page, occasional foxing.

Condition: Average

Binding: orig. brown morocco with gilt elephant to cover, gilt title to spine With gilt camel, sp. frayed in parts, edges sl. thumbed, aeg, paper slight yellowish.

The Works Of William Robertson

The Works Of William Robertson 26 Vol Set

The Works Of William Robertson, D.D. by By Dugald Stewart, F.R.S. T.Cadell, London, 1827. Printed by A. & R. Spottiswoode

Illustration: Several b/w vignettes throughout.

Condition: Good+

Binding: 20x14cm, blue cloth with gilt title to spine, black border to cover, foxing throughout, edges thumbed, pp. slight yellowed


The Novels, Tales and Letters of Prosper Merimee. Volumes: Eight. Vol. 3 missing INCOMPETE SET

The Novels, Tales and Letters of Prosper Merimee.

Edited by Prof. George Saintsbury, M.A. Translated by: Emily Mary Waller, The Lady Mary Loyd and Dr. Edmund Burke Thompson. Illustrations by Gustave Fraipoint and S. Arco.

Illustration: Several full pp. etchings throughout the set with tissue guards, pp. yellowed and slight brittle otherwise in good condition.

Condition: Average

Binding: 22x14cm, orig. re-backed brown morocco over marbled boards, gilt dec. spine with gilt title, marbled epps, cover and edges frayed and thumbed, title pp. in red and black, untrimmed, stamp of previous seller, few pp. loose but intact, spine chipped in parts, teg, slight foxing throughout.


The Plays of William Shakespeare,

The Plays of William Shakespeare, accurately printed from the text of the corrected copy left by the late George Steevens, Esq with glossarial Notes. To which are prefixed an account of the life and writings of Shakespeare by Mr. Rowe and Dr. Johnson’s celebrated preface to his edition of Shakespeare printed in 1765.Volumes: Ten. Vol. 1,2,4,7,10 available INCOMPETE SET

Binding: 7×4″, original brown calf with gilt border to cover, gilt dec. spine With gilt title to leather label, 4 raised bands to spine, marbled epps, all edges marbled, slight foxing throughout, spine worn in parts.
Condition: Average+

The Works of Shakespeare SET:3

The Works of Shakespeare SET:3

The works of Shakespeare SET:3. Three. Vol 1: Comedies, Vol 2:Tragedies, Vol 3: Histories

With a memoir and essay on his genius, by Barry Cornwall, illustrated with engravings on wood, from designs by Kenny Meadows

Condition: Good Several woodcut vignettes throughout, title pp. in red and black, text in double columns.
Binding:10.5×6.7, half red morocco over buckram cl., gilt title and dec. to sp., marbled epps., edges thumbed, all edges marbled, covers sl. loose. Condition: Average

The works of William Shakespeare SET:1

Edited by Henry Irving and Frank A. Marshall with notes and introductions to each play by F.A. Marshall and other Shakespearian Scholars. With numerous illustrations by Gordon Browne.

Condition: Average + Several full-paged woodcut engravings with tissue guards, frontis, prints of woodcut vignettes throughout the book, slight spotting mostly to pl. margins.

Binding: Orig. brown color with a lady made in black and gilt to cover, gilt dec. spine. with a man with a spear in black and gilt, small child made to back cover in black, beveled edges, edges thumbed, spine ends bumped, aeg, text in double columns, sl. foxing.

Special Remarks: Vol’s 2 – 8 available, Vol 1 missing

The Works Of William Robertson,

The Works Of William Robertson 8 Vol Set

The Works Of William Robertson, D.D. to which is prefixed, an account of the life and writings of the author Vol 1,2: History Of Scotland. Vol.3, 4, 5: History of Charles V. Vol 6,7,8: History of America

  • Illustration: Steel engraved frontis to Vol. 1, double folded maps, foxing to plate and maps, 1 map sl. torn on fold with little harm.
  • Condition: Average+
  • Binding: 22×13.75cm, orig. brown calf cover with orig. sp. re-laid, sp. with title to new leather labels and chipped and worn in parts, cover scratched, inner dentelles, marbled epps, all edges marbled, ribbon bookmark, text clean and fine.


Cassell’s History of the British People

  • Condition: Very Good+. Seven. Vols.1, 2,5,6 available Illustration: With a large number of b/w images throughout the text, full paged colored plates with tissue guards.
  • Binding: 27x19cm, full maroon cloth with gilt title and decoration to spine, text in double columns, title page in red and black.
  • Binding Condition: Good+