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Sotheby Parke Bernet, London, Ny, 1979, Oxford University Press, Karachi, New Delhi
– 536 pages
– Many black and white and colored illustrations
– Full black laminated cloth cover
– Gilt title on spine
– Dust jacket (DJ)
– Publisher’s cardboard box
– Near mint condition
Binding: 9×5.6”, orig. purple cl. with gilt title to sp., cover sunned, sp. and cover chipped, sl. foxing throughout, binding loose, text clean. , Vol 2 bound in new leather.
Ceylon An Account Of The Island Physical, Historical, And Topographical With Notices Of Its Natural History, Antiquities And Productions
Illustration: A large number of wood engravings throughout in the form of vignettes, frontis., 2 double folding maps in Vol.II.
Condition: Very Good
Binding: 22x14cm, pp. xxxv, 619, xvi, 660; brown calf over marbled boards, sp. rebacked, 5 raised bands to sp. with gilt title to leather label, sp. chipped in parts and frayed.
Illustration: Several b/w full pp. portraits and Maps and plans, frontis, occasional foxing.
Binding: Set 2 : 23×14.5cm., full blue colour With gilt motif to cover center, gilt title to spine, dec. epps., slight foxing, pp. sl. brittle, text clean.
Condition: Good
Special Remark: We have 6 such sets available with us.
Illustration: Engraved frontis to Vol.I, facsimile letter, few othe pl., pp. yellowed and water stained.
Condition: Poor+
Binding: 7.75×4.75”, orig. green calf with 5 raised bands to sp., gilt title to leather label to sp., few covers separate from sp. but intact, cover and sp. frayed, all edges marbled, marbled epps, pp. turning brittle.
Illustration: Several b/w photo prints, colored frontis. Condition: Good Binding: 9×6”, pp. xiv, 383; orig. maroon cl. with gilt title to sp., foxing throughout, edges thumbed, pp. yellowed, binding loose.
Illustration: b/w prints of photographic images, both full pp and vignettes Condition: Average+. Binding: 9x 6”, pp. 640; orig. green cloth with gilt title to sp., label of previous owner to spine, self embossing to cover, deco. Epps., pp. brittle, top edges blue
Illustration: numerous b/w diagrams along with text and 1 folded map, occasional foxing.
Condition: Good
Binding: 23×14.5cm, pp. errata, lxv, 627,xxxv, errata, 382; orig. red cl. with gilt title to sp., edges thumbed, sl. foxing throughout mainly to pp. ends.
The Posthumous Papers of The Pickwick Club
With 57 woodcut illus by “Phiz”
Condition: Good Binding: 10”x 7.5”, orig. green cl. with dec. in black and gilt to cover, gilt title to sp., cover frayed, binding loose, pp. sl. yellowed.
The Popular History of England, Civil, Military, and Religious, from the earliest times to the reform bill of 1884
Illustration: A large number of tinted, clrd. pl., maps with clrd. outlines. Condition: Good Binding: 27.5x19cm, half calf over purple buckram, gilt title to new red label to spine, all edges marbled, text in double columns, covers of few vols. Separate, sp. sl. frayed.
A History of the Indian Mutiny and of the disturbances, which accompanied it among the civil population.
Illustration: 2 double folding printed maps (clrd & b/w) and 6 printed plans, pp. sl. Yellowed else fine.
Condition: Good+
Binding: 19x12cm, pp. xx, 582; full brown leather cover and sp., cover and sp. rebacked very well, 5 raised bands to sp. With gilt title to red leather label and gilt dec., inner dentelles, marbled epps., all edges marbled, edges sl. Thumbed.
Hakluyt’s Voyages Vol.1-8: Introduction by John Masefield Vol. 9-10:Introduction by Ernest Rhys
Vol.1-8: The Principal Navigations Voyages traffiques and discoveries of the English Nation, made by sea or overland to the remote and farthest distant quarters of the earth at any time within the compass of these 1600 years
Vol. 9-10: The voyages traffiques and discoveries of foreign voyagers with other matters relating there to contained in the “navigations”.
Courtiers and favorites of Royalty (Total no of volumes Not known. 10 vols. Available)
Illustration: Every volume has a frontis portrait with printed tissue guard, pp. Yellowed else fine.
Condition: Good
Binding: 23x15cm, orig. purple morocco with gilt dec. border to cover, gilt title to sp. with dec., untrimmed, pp. becoming brittle, title pp. In red and black, text clean and fresh.
The Comprehensive History of England; Civil and military, Religious, Intellectual, and Social. From The earliest period to the close of the Russian War.
Illustration: Over 1000 woodcut engravings, several vignettes, sl. foxing.
Condition: Average+.
Binding: 26×17.5cm., full blue cl. with gilt dec. and title to cover and spine, self embossed cover, text in double columns, sl. foxing throughout.